Image courtesy of Long Miles Coffee Project
REGION: Bukeye washing station, Muramvya province
VARIETIES: Red bourbon
ALTITUDE: 1700 - 2100 MASL
NOTES: Blackberry and apple crumble
This is our first time buying coffee from Long Miles in Burundi, and ohhhhh boy are you in for a treat! We're tasting stewed fruits, brown sugar and subtle baking spices reminding us of blackberry and apple crumble. Long Miles built their first washing station, Bukeye at the foot of Gaharo hill and it's become a place of innovation since its opening in 2014. 

Gaharo holds a special place in the heart of Long Miles Coffee. This is not just one of the hills in our story, it is the hill where the journey began. The first washing station built by Long Miles rests at the feet of Gaharo hill, on a piece of land that seemed to be long forgotten by everyone else. Every inch of it was cleared by Gaharo farmers and bricks were made from clay found in the valley below. The same farmers who helped to build Bukeye from scratch now deliver their cherries to it. To us, Gaharo farmers have become our neighbors and co-workers. We have grown, worked and developed as a community “twese hamwe”; together. What sets this hill apart from others in the region is the number of blacksmiths hand-crafting metal into knives and farming tools.

Bukeye Washing Station has its own borehole water source and a granite
filtered well. During the fully washed process freshly harvested cherries are delivered by coffee farmers to the Long Miles Coffee Washing Station, then floated and hand-sorted for ripeness upon arrival. The cherries are pulped and undergo a single fermentation process. Parchment spends around twelve hours dry fermenting. The parchment is sometimes ‘footed’ after fermentation. A team will agitate and dance on the slippery coffee parchment by foot, helping to loosen any remaining mucilage clinging to it. It is then rinsed in fresh
water, graded by density and left to soak for another four to six hours in the final rinse tank. The parchment is carried to covered drying tables where it spends between six and forty-eight hours pre-drying. During this time, it is hand-picked for under-ripeness, over-ripeness, insect damage and visual defects. It is then moved to traditional African raised tables where it spends between sixteen to twenty days slow drying (depending on the weather) until it reaches the desired 10.5% moisture level.

To get the best from your coffee please take a look at our brew guides HERE


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